Can a house be sold while in probate in Los Angeles, CA?

Probate is the process of reassigning the property to the beneficiaries after the person dies. When a person passes away they leave their loved ones and their property behind. Sometimes the last will or the Testate is left behind by the person and in some cases it is not. Whatever is the situation, the property … Continued

What happens when you inherit a house in CA?

Inheriting a house is one of the few big surprises that life brings us sometimes. But what happens when you inherit a house in CA? As much as you may want to keep an inherited house, sometimes you may be forced to consider putting it up for sale. Well, selling an inherited house can be … Continued

Moving for the military?

Moving for the military? We at Green Sur Properties, have been honored to help homeowners (including veterans and active-duty military personnel) sell their homes quickly for a fair cash price. And we understand that selling under pcs pressure can be a little overwhelming. So here are some quick tips to help you sell in a … Continued

Improvements by Age of Home

Thinking of updating your home but don’t know where to start? We've been working with real estate in Los Angeles for a while now and we know about upgrading and repairing older homes.

Selling Your House While Divorcing in Los Angeles

If you’re going through a difficult divorce and trying to figure out what to do about your unwanted real estate, then keep reading this blog post to give you our best suggestions about selling your house while divorcing in Los Angeles… Divorce can be challenging and emotional. Yet, in the midst of the difficult situation, … Continued
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