Looking For House Buyers in Los Angeles?

What happens if you sell to professional house buyers instead? First, you might not get top dollar for the sale of the house, but it can happen as fast as in a couple of weeks! Also, there’s not going to be endless open houses, just once to go and view the property in person and … Continued

Signs It’s A Good Time To Sell

There are a lot of different factors that go into selling a home. The timing can be tricky. But, here at Green Sur Properties we have helped a ton of sellers by purchasing their homes.

Promise To Buy House

Even the most well-intended promise from a neighbor or family member, for instance isn’t a guarantee unless they’ve signed a contract.

How to Determine Home Values in Los Angeles

Ready to sell? Now the tough part, understanding how to determine home values in Los Angeles.  Sellers often get caught up in memories that were created and attach an emotional value to the home. It can make the determination of the value an extremely difficult process and also result in the home being priced far … Continued
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